Wednesday 6 February 2013

OFF PANEL: Indie Comics Battleground!

Check this out folks! RAZARHAWK is featuring as part of an Indie/Small Press UK Comics Top Trumps style gamey thingy!


DO YOU like small press comics?
DO YOU like Top Trumps?!
DO YOU LOVE the amazing talent that seeps from this awesome islands mountainous teats!?
Well, you know that Nich Angell guy? He does that 7String!? For a number of months he has been
beavering away at making a card game starring some of the UKs favourite small press characters! Look how gorgeous:

As a small press fangirl I am so excited about some of the artists included in this card set! LOOK! JESS BRADLEY! MARK PEARCE! JON LOCK! JAMES STAYTE! There's so many more! 
BUT LOOK AT THE CARDS! They're so frigin' preeeetty!! 

For more details Nich has set up a facebook page and if you're going to LSCC then he'll have some sets for you to preview! As soon as I know more about when I'll have my fat mitts on some, rest assured, I shall post! :D 

I can't wait to play and see who beats who! :D

So go 'like' the FB page and support your Indie heroes!