Thursday 22 April 2010

Animation Showreel

*Contains adult and offensive language* :p

Finished! (?)

How do you know when you're finished!?

A bit of modelling... progression II

Her hair, which is fimo not plasticine, was fun!

Nearly there...

A bit of modelling... progression

I forgot to take earlier photos of the frog - this was the earliest photo I had. I like to take a million photos of projects I do (like saving layers almost?) I like looking back for some reason :p

Her raincoat was hard work! I had decided to make the insides out of fimo air light and then roll out her coat like pastry to fold around her. I'm not sure if that's the done thing...
I also had to revise her 'innards' a few times in order to get her standing on her own. Much wire/plasticine intestines can be found if you look up her skirt!

A bit of modelling...

Gone plasticine crazy in the office it seems! My friend chose stop motion animation for his 11 second club entry last month and I've only gone and caught the plasticine bug :D Decided to model the little girl from previous posts.. here are some earlies...

A fimo air light skull...

some skin...

some boots!...

Recent artistic endeavours....Part II

I bought a drawing table at long last and have been attempting to paint ever since! Here is an example (including one based off've the sketch in the previous post)

These are photos not scans, so the colours are a tad washed :/ I used acrylic paints and I'm still learning!

Recent artistic endeavours....

Here is a page from my sketchbook. I liked this li'l character and so I decided to keep playing with it...

Some old bits of art...

These were some ideas for a commission for a deejaay friend of mine. The project then went in a different direction so these paintings are unused! I used Photoshop and Flash, Flash to create the outlines over an original pencil sketch in my sketchbook.
Clearly a bit influenced by Cheo... a reet good Bristol street artist. Also a bit Ghost in the Shelly :)

Some concepts I did for an independent games company I met through They were 'hand painted' in Photoshop :) I like the femme fatale the mostest! She was great fun to paint! Each took roughly a day to complete, possibly working late into the night - with cups of tea (the best time to work :P)

Some quick flash/photoshop doodles:

I will try and dig some more out! Got a few sketchykins floating about somewhere I should imagine :D