Wednesday 30 January 2013

Sunday 20 January 2013

RAZARHAWK #1 is complete!

On the 20th January 2013, the last few letters were added to RazarHawk! And the people rejoiced, for it was finished ^-^ 

Here is the cover! 
We can not wait to launch it Cardiff International Comics and Animation Expo 2013 on the 2nd March! You'll come won't you!? It's such an awesome con and I can't wait for my first table experience to be there :D 

Friday 18 January 2013

A Story for Eva

Whilst I am living in Ireland I have been keeping myself busy with arts and writing and cooking and stuff. Before I left I met my friends baby, Eva, and fell madly in love! ^-^ I made her a little teddy and when I met her she ate it and wouldn't put it down :D She was so cute! I wanted to make her a special present for her first birthday and so I am making a book for her to read! I hope she will love it as much as I am loving drawing it! Here's a page or two in progress...

What do you think!? I have never made a book as a pressie before! I hope she dribbles on it good and proper!

Monday 14 January 2013

RAZARHAWK - page preview with letters!

RAZARHAWK has currently moved production to Ireland ;D Here is the page I previously posted but all lettered and lovely! We can't wait to come back to launch it at Cardiff International Comic and Animation Expo! Will you be there?!