Monday 21 June 2010

zombie paint

Quickie post. I like to save multiple stages of a painting! Here is the first... about an hour of scribbling.

Saturday 12 June 2010

New sketchbook!

Virgin page = virgin zombie. Am I right or am I right!? Scan from sketchbook not too hot.. I'm gunna paint this one though!

more doodles

must update as and when. avoid doodle dump.

pencilly anime lady.

crayony moody kid.

crayony moody gurl.

latest doodles

Lately, when I have been sitting down to watch Alias (6 million years after everyone else) I have been absent mindedly drawing environments - specifically buildings and streets. Odd that. My sketchbook is full of them! Here is one... probably the best one... you can clicky for a biggy.

latest doodles

The top one is a bad quality photo of my sketchbook as it's on A3. M'apologies! I have kick ass ladies on the brain... as usual.